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Name: COMYN, Walter Bourke
Birth Date: 27.10.1868 Galway
Death Date: 25.5.1900 Kismayu
Nationality: British
First Date: 1897
Profession: Officer of IBEA Co. who served in EA as Assistant Collector
Area: Lamu, Shimoni, Mombasa, Kismayu
Book Reference: EAHB 1905, North, EAHB 1906, EAHB 1904
General Information:
North - Appt. Asst. Collector EAP; Lamu; Shimoni; Mombasa June 1899; Kismayu Dec 1899; Appt. Town Magistrate Mombasa April 1899; Transferred to Kismayu Oct 1899
Gazette - 15-6-1900 - The death of Mr Walter Bourke Comyn, Assistant District Officer is reported from Kismayu. He had not been long in East Africa, his appointment dating from 1897 only, but prior to that year he had had considerable experience of tropical countries. He was posted successively to Lamu, Shimoni, Mombasa and finally Kismayu where he died on the 25th ult. He was of a most sympathetic disposition, his time and knowledge being always at the disposal of others and there are many who will cherish a grateful remembrance of his willing and helpful kindness.