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Name: MONTGOMERY, James Alexander Lawrence CSI, CBE (Col.)

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Nee: son of Sir Robert Montgomery of Donegal

Birth Date: 10.10.1849 Lahore

Death Date: 30.10.1940 Moville, Donegal

First Date: 1906

Profession: Commissioner of Lands EAP. Member Legislative Council, bought land and farmed coffee.

Area: Kiambu

Married: 1. In Calcutta 8 Jan 1876 Jessie Alice Forsyth b. 26 Jan 1853 Dharmsala, India, d. 27 Apr 1879 Jullunder, Bengal; 2. In Simla 21 Sep 1881 Katharine Mary Millar b. 24 Nov 1855 Nagode, West Bengal, d. 14 Aug 1932 Marylebone

Children: 1. Helen Violet (Cockerell) (4 Oct 1876 Jhelum, Punjab-24 Oct 1959 Chelsea); Winifred Ethel (Young) (23 Apr 1878 London-1 Nov 1902 Patiala, Punjab) 2. Muriel Frances (Grant) (4 Apr 1883 Hoshiapur, Punjab-1967 Kensington); Lucy Marguerite (Shenton Thomas) (25 July 1884 Simla-1 Sep 1978 London); Francis Henry (29 Dec 1886 India); Alan Douglas (28 Oct 1887 Hampstead-1914 Richmond, Surrey)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, KFA, Debrett, Hut, Playne, Drumkey, EAHB 1907, North

War Service: Gordon Highlanders 1867, 4th Sikh Infantry, Civil Service Apps. Punjab/India

School: Harrow

General Information:

SE - Col. J.A.L. Montgomery - July 1907
Debrett - entered Gordon Highlanders 1867, became Capt. Indian Army 1879, Major 1887, and Lieut.-Col. 1893; retired 1905; was Assist. Commr. and Settlement Officer, Punjab 1870-85, and Director of Settlement and Revenue Records 1885-7; appointed Dep. Commr. 1887, Settlement Commr. 1897, Commr. and Sup. 1899, Financial Commr. Punjab 1904; was a Member of Indian Police Commn. 1902-3, Commr. of Lands, British E. Africa 1906-10, a MEC and MLC there 1907-10, High Sheriff for Co. Donegal 1915, and British Red Cross Commr. E. Africa Expeditionary Force 1916-19, with rank of Col. (despatches); is a DL for Co. Donegal, a Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and Com. of Order of Christ of Portugal
Playne - Lieut.-Col. Montgomery was born at Lahore on October 10, 1849, and educated at Harrow. He joined the Gordon Highlanders in Sept. 1867, and served afterwards in the 4th Sikh Infantry. He entered civil employ in the Punjab in 1870, and held various appointments in India, up to Divisional Commissioner and Financial Commissioner, and was a member of the Legislative Council. He left India at the end of 1904. Lieut.-Col. Montgomery arrived in EA in May, 1906 from England, and took up his present post as Commissioner of Lands. He is also a member of the Executive and Legislative Councils.
Drumkey 1909 - Land Dept. - Commissioner of Lands
Drumkey 1909 - President, Nairobi Literary and Debating Society
Gazette 1/7/1907 - Appointed member of the Executive Council of the East Africa Protectorate
KFA - story of his famous row with Lord Delamere (pp. 19/20)

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