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Name: BIRKETT, Norman Wreford

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Birth Date: 17 May 1893 Chislehurst

Death Date: July 1946 Droxford

First Date: 1919

Profession: BEADOC, formerly engineer

Area: Kericho

Married: In Ealing 25 Nov 1919 Kathleen Wells b. 30 Aug 1892 Appleton, Berks., d. 1984 Droxford

Children: Sobryan Ivan C. (17 Sep 1919); John Evelyn Wreford (27 Mar 1922 Nakuru-22 June 1943 killed in action RCAF); Caryll (1926); Jeremy (10 June 1930 Nakuru)

Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Gazette, Red 31, Hut, Nicholls

War Service: East Kent Regt.

School: London Univ.

General Information:

Gazette - 20/7/1921 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - Norman Wreford Birkett - Settler, Gani biris - Kericho
Red 25 - c/o National Bank of India Ltd., Nairobi
Nicholls - BEADOC - The men cleared their land, and built a dam, factory and temporary houses for themselves. Then they were joined by their wives, the first of them the spouses of Hugo Daly and Norman Birkett.
Hut also has N.M. Birkett 1928 Muhoroni ex BEADOC married to Kathleen
1939 England and Wales Register living in East Ashford, Kent, with wife, as Managing Director Co. of Drycleaners

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