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Name: BLADEN-TAYLOR, Eric Ernest

Nee: bro of Harry Herbert and Ronald Rumbold Bladen-Taylor

Birth Date: 5 July 1879 Mussoorie, Bengal

Death Date: 15 Apr 1947 Nairobi

First Date: 1904

Profession: Stock inspector

Area: Fort Ternan, 1922 Lumbwa, 1910 Naivasha, 1925 Kijabe, 1930 Naivasha

Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Medals, Red 19,EAMR, Drumkey, North, EAHB 1904, Barnes, Leader14, Gazette, Red 19, Cuckoo

War Service: WW1 with EAMR - C Sqdn. 1/9/14 - 1/10/14 - To Ordnance

General Information:

Medals - East African Ordnance Department - Ernest E.B. Taylor, EAMR, No. 251, Serjeant
Red Book 1919 - E E Bladen-Taylor - Settler - Kijabe
Red 25 - Veterinary Dept, P.O. Escarpment,
Hut the same
Red Book 1912 - E.E.B. Taylor - Naivasha
KAD 1922 - Stock Inspector, Veterinary Dept.
Drumkey 1909 - Directory of Residents - E.B. Taylor, Escarpment
EAMR has Ernest E.B. Taylor, Serjeant, No. 251
North - E.B. Taylor - Uganda Railway - Clerk Transport Dept. resigned 15/4/1901; On List of 'Principal Inhabitants of Nairobi …. Masailand District …. Kikuyu' (EAM) 5/9/1903; Visiting Mombasa from Nairobi 12/8/1905; Bird Licence, Nairobi Oct-Dec 1905
EAHB 1904 - Masai-Land District Residents - Taylor, E.B. - Kikuyu
Nairobi City Park cemetery - Eric Ernest Bladen Taylor, died 15 Apr 1947 aged 66
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - E.E. Taylor-Bladen - Stock Inspector - Kijabe
Red Book 1919 - Veterinary Department - Stock Inspector - E.E.B. Taylor
Cuckoo - The story is told that he sent a mail-order to Gamages in London for a pair of white racing breeches, being careful to give the exact measurements required. He received a pair of small boy's white knickerbockers - minus the usual conveniences in construction. Judging by the measurements, the firm thought that the order was for a small boy and did the best they could. Whether this is true or not, I cannot state; but I often heard Blaydon-Taylor tell the story against himself. It became, more or less, a standing joke in E.A.
Cuckoo - mentions him as a jockey at the 2nd race meeting in Nbi., 1904 and worked for the Railway. A very diminutive man.
FD 1904 Always known as "Little Tich."

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