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Name: BORROWMAN, Christina Sophia, Miss
Birth Date: 17 Mar 1900 West Hartlepool
Death Date: 1989 Richmond, Yorks.
First Date: 1920
Profession: Governess, farmer
Area: Turbo Valley
Married: 25 Feb 1924 in Eldoret DC's office (Mr Lodby, with Ken Hunter as witness) Malcolm Turner Young (1895-1991)
Children: Janet Esther (3 Dec 1924 St Andrews, Fife-2013)
Book Reference: KAD
General Information:
The Youngs started a prep school in Kaptagat. She drew up the plans and husband supervised the building. Happy school and all pupils passed their exams.
David Le Breton (a pupil): In my time, I mean 1938, it was called Kaptagat School. The matron taught us to make our beds with "hospital corners". We learnt horse-riding and I had my Fairey bicycle and fell off and cut my lip which scarred me for life. After lights out in the dorms we sometimes huddled underneath the beds and used torches to look at comic strips as if it was a film though I had never been to a cinema. At Halloween (I think?) we learned to catch apples in a bath of water with our teeth alone. No idea why! We had horrid rice pudding too often, but also good fruit. Local native children or other people (?) brought us chameleons whose qualities and features we thereby learnt about which were naturally of great interest as they still are. I do not know if we might have paid any small sums for them but I don't remember having any money anyway.'