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Name: BOX, Harold Edmund
Birth Date: 9 Aug 1898 Streatham
Death Date: 4 Feb 1973 Trinidad
First Date: 1921
Profession: Entomologist
Area: Kabete
Married: In Kingston, Surrey June 1921 Hilda Dorothy Garner b. 1896 Ramsgate, d. 13 Feb 1991 Trinidad
Children: Avery Hilda (1 Jan 1923 Amsterdam-2003); Joan Evelyn (13 July 1926 Salinas, Puerto Rico-2016)
Book Reference: KAD, Hut, Red 22, Gazette
War Service: South Staffs. Regt.
General Information:
Gazette 27/7/1921 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Assistant Entomologist - 18/7/1921
KAD 1922 - Entomologist, Entomology Division, Agricultural Dept.
Spent much of the 1930s in the West Indies