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Name: BRADSHAW, Victor Charles Isherwood
Birth Date: 17 Aug 1897 Ham, Hants.
Death Date: 3 Mar 1980 Guernsey
First Date: 1922
Profession: Farmer; civil servant
Area: Muthaiga Club, Nairobi, 1925 Limuru, Nyeri
Married: 1. Clara Beatrice Mary Bailey b. 1 Jan 1917 Nottingham; 2. Irene Gordon Pirie née Hogarth b. 23 Mar 1891 Sevenoaks, d. 12 Apr 1959 (prev. m. Harold Victor Campbell Pirie 1884-1957)
Children: one dau of 1st marriage
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Web
War Service: 15 Hussars
General Information:
Web - Irish Wolfhound History - "V. Bradshaw wrote an article entitled "Irish Wolfhounds in Kenya" for the Irish Wolfhound Association Yearbook, published in 1925, which read as follows:- "As far as I know, Irish wolfhounds were first imported to Kenya Colony in 1919 by Mrs Beynon, the well-known English breeder, before the war. She brought out two hounds, Bournstream Faugh-a-Ballagh and Bournstream Biddy, from which she bred one litter. Of these I bought one bitch puppy, which I believe was the only one of the litter sold. This I believe was due partly to the unsettled state of the country at the time, and partly to the hounds not being sufficiently well-known in the country. Unfortunately for the breed in Kenya, Mrs Beynon has returned to England and taken her hounds with her. ………. "
Hut also has V.C.J. Bradshaw 1922 Nyeri
1939 England and Wales Register with wife in Battle, Sussex
Returning to Kenya 1946