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Name: BROWN, Thomas Henry
Nee: bro of George William Alston Brown
Birth Date: 1886 Wem, Shropshire
Death Date: 11 Mar 1946 Eldoret
First Date: 1911
Profession: Farmer, saw miller 1937
Area: Limuru, Turbo Valley, Kaimosi
Married: In 1924 Evelyn Mary Lloyd b. 1902 Crunwear, Pembs., d. 19 Mar 1987 Limuru
Children: William Thomas (27 Dec 1925); Mary Evelyn Jane (1928)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Red 22, Land, Gazette, Sitrep 2
War Service: EAMR has T.H. Brown C Sqdn. 10/8/14 - 12/10/14 - L/Cpl. 26/9/14 - To KAR
General Information:
Red 22 - T.H. Brown, Soy AND T.H. Browne, Kaimosi, Kisumu
Land 1909 - Thos. Brown - Grazing and agricultural, 2000 acres - Machakos - 30/11/04 - Leasehold for 99 years from 1/6/09 - Registered 10/12/09
Gazette - 20/5/14 - Land reverted to Crown - Thomas Brown of Saharunpore, India - Ulu
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Uasin Gishu Plateau - T.H. Brown, Farm No. 216
Gazette - 4/11/1914 - Appt. - KAR, Temporary Commission - Lieutenant - T.H. Brown, EAMR
Gazette 5/4/1938 - Honorary Game Warden - Thomas Henry Brown
Gazette 12/4/1922 - Brands Registered during quarter ending 31/3/1922 - T.H. Brown, Kaimosi, PO Kisumu - L7T
Red 25 has T.H. Brown, Chepsonoi, P.O. Kaimosi (Red 31 the same).
Hut has T.H. Brown, 1911, Eldoret AND T.H. Brown 1930 Chepsonoi Kaimosi
Medals - East African Intelligence Department - Thomas Brown, EAMR, No. 379, Private
Red Book 1912 - T. Brown - Naivasha
Ian Macfarlane: The photo of Thomas was taken in the Nook Garden at Mottistone, Isle of Wight, 6/6/11 the day before he left for British East Africa.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Nyanza Voters list Thomas Henry Brown planter, Kaimosi
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 157)
Gazette 3 Nov 1953 probate
Limuru cemetery - Evelyn Mary Brown, 1902 - 1987
Ian Macfarlane: The photo of Thomas was taken in the Nook Garden at Mottistone, Isle of Wight, 6/6/11 the day before he left for British East Africa.
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Nyanza Voters list Thomas Henry Brown planter, Kaimosi
One of the original '500' men in the Kenya Regt. in 1937. (KR 157)
Gazette 3 Nov 1953 probate
Limuru cemetery - Evelyn Mary Brown, 1902 - 1987
Charlotte Hitch (married later to Ronald Buddery) was their nanny in 1930, at £6 a month..
Charlottte Hitch letter 19 Jan 1930 'Evelyn is a Welsh girl a year younger than I am, very kind and nice but apt to be a little surprised if one cracks a joke.' ...'Tom Brown, a man of Shropshire and a very charming creature with a fascinating accent, runs the sawmills at Limuru. His wife Evelyn chungas boys all day login the garden and at her aunt's farm nearby.'
Ditto 28 Jan Tom & Evelyn are a particularly quarrelsome couple.'