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Name: COGLE, Charles Thomas
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1885 Port Elizabeth, S. Africa
Death Date: 25 June 1951 Rawtenstall, Lancs.
First Date: 1912
Profession: District surveyor
Area: Nairobi, 1930 Eldoret, 1922 Kericho
Married: In Lambeth 1926 Frances Gwendoline Maud Payne b. 3 June 1891 Pirbright, d. 8 Dec 1947 Hove
Children: Thomas Charles John (26 Feb 1927 Eldoret-2010); Alice (30 Sep 1930 Eldoret-2017)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 19, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Trans Nzoia Scrap Book, Gazette, Dominion
General Information:
Trans Nzoia Scrap Book - Article "The Kakamega Gold Rush" - The Government soon took an active interest and an Inspector of Mines was appointed. This was Charles Cogle, at that time a Govt. surveyor on the Uasin Gishu, but who had qualified as a mining engineer in the Transvaal. Mining regulations at that time were virtually non-existent, but Cogle with the help of a couple of friends drafted a set of regulations - largely "cribbed" from Government publications in other parts of Africa - and prospecting and mining were put on a sound working basis, to the great relief of the Administrative Officers concerned.
Gazette - 24/6/14 - appt. Senior Staff Surveyor
Dominion - Public Works Department - Survey & Registration Dept. - District Surveyor - 1930
Gazette 15/8/1912 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Junior Staff Surveyor - 2/8/1912
Gazette 15/10/1919 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Senior Staff Surveyor - 25/9/1919
KAD 1922 - District Surveyor, Cadastral Branch
Compare Coghill
Red Book 1919 - Survey Dept. - Cadastral Branch - Senior Staff Surveyor - C.T. Gogle [sic]