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Name: COHEN, Samuel
Birth Date: 1866 Whitechapel, London
Death Date: 13.11.1936 Mombasa
First Date: 1919
Last Date: 1936
Profession: Contractor to railway
Area: Ngara Road, Nairobi, 1925 Kiambu. Hut - 1919 Kiambu
Married: In London 25 Dec 1888 Sophia Ashberg b. 1866 Aldgate, London, d. 10 Aug 1922 Nairobi
Children: Lena (Myers) (2 Nov 1889-1973 Haringey); Ada (14 Mar 1892 Mile End); Sylvia (Abrahams) (9 Nov 1893 Mile End-Quebec); Jospeh (16 Sep 1896 Mile End); Leah (1898-1899); Rose (1898-1898); Lillie (Collins) (20 Sep 1898 Mile End); Rosalie (Bresnick) (14 July 1908 Waltham, Essex-15 July 1998 Los Angeles)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Web, Gazette, Leader14, Barnes, North
General Information:
Red 22 - S. Cohen, Kiambu
Web - History of Mombasa Hospital - … patient, Samuel Cohen was sufficiently concerned to leave £17,000 in his will for improvements. He died in 1937. He had made his money as a contractor for the Kenya and Uganda Railway but was illiterate and the will was contested by his daughter, by then the wife of a Mombasa architect, on the grounds that the will had not been signed. Fortunately for the Hospital she lost her case.
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Kiambu - S. Cohen, Kiu River, Kiambu
Nairobi South cemetery - Samuel Cohen, born 1862, died at Mombasa 13 Nov 1936, aged 74
Mombasa Mbaraki cemetery - Samuel Cohen, died 14 Nov 1936 age 75, European Hospital, Myocarditis
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - Sam Cohen, Farmer, Riu River, Farm 89, Kiambu and Sophie Cohen, Ria River, Kiambu
Red 31 has S.A.M. Cohen, Nairobi
Wife buried in Nairobi South cemetery.