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Name: COLLINS, Laura Neva, Miss
Birth Date: 20.10.1878 Greenfield, Illinois
Death Date: 21.6.1952 Githumu, Thika
Nationality: American
First Date: 1907
Last Date: 1952
Profession: Africa Inland Mission missionary
Area: Chania Bridge, Kijabe, Kinyona
Book Reference: KAD, Web, Red Book 1912
School: Moody Bible Institute
General Information:
Internet - Billy Graham Center, Archives - Laura Neva Collins, was born in Greenfield, Illinois, in 1878. She committed her life to Christ at the age of 12. After a year of attendance at Moody Bible Institute, she completed the application process and joined the Africa Inland Mission. In 1907, she sailed for the British colony of Kenya, where she worked as a teacher and evangelist for the next 45 years until her death in 1952. She spent most of those years in Kenya working among the Kikuyu people. After a year at Kijabe, she moved to the newly founded station at Kinyona, where she remained for the rest of her first term.
Red Book 1912 - Africa Inland Mission - Kinyona