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Name: DE BOER, Henry Speldewinde CMG, MC (Dr.)
Birth Date: 10 May 1889 Colombo, Ceylon
Death Date: 7 June 1957 Hemel Hempstead
First Date: 1920
Last Date: 1931
Profession: Medical officer
Area: Kisumu, 1925 Mombasa
Married: In Ealing 15 Apr 1920 Frances Ethel Bartholomeusz b. 22 June 1896 Colombo, d. 1969
Children: Charles Henry; John Reginald
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Colonial, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, Dominion, Uganda Staff, Beck, Gazette, Wikipedia
War Service: served with RAMC 1915-20 (Gallipoli, Sinai, Palestine, Syria, mentioned in despatches)
School: Privately and London Hospital; MRCS (Eng), LRCP (Lond.), DPH (Cantab), DTM & H (Lond)
General Information:
East Africa & Rhodesia - 13/6/57 - Dr. Henry de Boer, CMG, MC, MRCS, LRCP, sometime DMS in Uganda, has died suddenly in Hemel Hempstead.
Red 22 - Nyanza Hon. Sec., British Medical Association, Kenya Branch
Dominion - Senior Health Officer - 1930
Uganda Staff 1938 - Deputy Director of Medical Sevices, Entebbe, appointed 1933
Gazette 7/7/1920 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Medical Officer - 26/6/1920
KAD 1922 - Medical Officer of Health, Sanitation Division.
Hut - 1921 Prospecting Syndicate.
Colonial - MO May 1920, Senr. Health Officer EA Med. Service 1926; Dep. Dir. San. Services N. Rhodesia 1931; later Uganda & Nyasaland
Gazette 21 June 1958 says he died at Hampstead [wrong - Nat. Probate Calendar checked]
Career: military Service (1915-20); MO Kenya (1920-6); SSO, Kenya (1926-31); DDSS Northern Rhodesia (1931-3); DDMS Uganda (1933-8); DMS Nyasaland (1938-42) DMS Uganda (1942-7); Temporary MO Ministry of Health & Airport MO Northolt (1947-55); County Councillor for Hemel Hempstead; died Hertfordshire