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Name: ECHLIN, Richard Fleming Warren (Capt.)
Birth Date: 31.5.1885 Queensland, Australia
Death Date: 1977 Hove
First Date: 1922
Profession: Transport Company
Area: Kitale, 1925 'Sote Wawili' Hoey's Bridge, 1930 Kitale
Married: 1. In Piccadilly 24 Oct 1917 Isabel St. Clair Buckland Taylor b. 26 Jan 1898 Toowoomba, Queensland; 2. In Westminster 1946 Jane Schrager b. 6 Feb 1920, d. 2009
Children: David
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, SS, Macmillan
War Service: Grenadier Guards
General Information:
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Capt. R.F.W. Echlin, Guards Club, London, SW - Farm 266
Macmillan 1930 - The Trans Nzoia Transport Company - Kitale - The company handle merchandise and goods and chattels of every description. Theirs is the only undertaking of the kind in the Colony employing only European drivers which contributes to the welfare of their fleet of 12 motor lorries………….. The managing directors are Capt. R.F.W. Echlin and Col. D.R. Tweedie.
Gazette - 6/3/1928 - Dissolution of Partnership between Richard Fleming Warren Echlin, Douglas Royle Tweedie and Margherita Swain carrying on business under the style or firm of Trans Nzoia Transport Company. Margherita Swain retires and business carried on by R.F.W. Echlin and D.R. Tweedie
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - Richard Fleming Warren Echlin, Farmer, PO Hoey's Bridge and Isabel St. Clair Buckland Echlin, Married, PO Hoey's Bridge