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Birth Date: 25 Aug 1888 Reading
Death Date: 8 Sep 1954 Mombasa
First Date: 1912
Last Date: 1954
Profession: DC
Area: Moyale, 1925 Kapsabet, 1925 Kakamega, Nairobi, Malindi
Married: In Reading 1917 Daisy Louise Waugh b. 23 May 1892 Reading, d. 28 Mar 1974 Tilehurst, Reading
Children: Anthony John (28 Mar 1922 Reading-1990 Brighton)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, EA & Rhodesia, Red 22, Dominion, Barnes, Gazette, Web, Red 19
War Service: WW1 with EAMR
General Information:
East Africa & Rhodesia - 4/11/54 - Mr William Slade-Hawkins, who has died in Mombasa, joined the Land Department in Kenya in 1912 and, after serving in the 1914-18 war with the KAR, entered the Administration in 1919. He rejoined the service during the last war, after retiring in 1936. He retired for the second time 10 years later. In April this year he returned to duty as district officer in charge of Malindi sub-district.
Dominion - District Officer - 1930
Mombasa Mbaraki cemetery - W. Slade Hawkins, died 8 Sep 1954 age 66, European Hospital, Cerebral Haemorrhage. Inscription: in loving memory of / William Slade Hawkins / of the Provincial Administration / born Reading 25th August 1888 / died Mombasa 8th September 1954 / for over 40 years he devoted his life to Africa
KAD 1922 - Administration Cadet, Moyale
Mombasa Mbaraki cemetery - W. Slade Hawkins, died 8 Sep 1954 age 66, European Hospital, Cerebral Haemorrhage. Inscription: in loving memory of / William Slade Hawkins / of the Provincial Administration / born Reading 25th August 1888 / died Mombasa 8th September 1954 / for over 40 years he devoted his life to Africa
KAD 1922 - Administration Cadet, Moyale
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Nairobi District - W.S. Hawkins, Land Office
Red Book 1919 - Land Dept - Clerk
Gazette 11 Jan 1955 probate
His newspaper death notice says he was a bachelor.