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Name: MACKINTOSH, Charles Edward
Birth Date: 1873
First Date: 1920
Profession: Tailor
Area: Box 1, Nairobi
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Macmillan
General Information:
Macmillan - 1930 - C.E. Mackintosh, Tailor and Breeches Maker, Hardinge Street - a keen and skilful exponent of everything contributing to the highest tailoring ideals. …… Mr Mackintosh is the most experienced tailor in Kenya, for he has spent upwards of 40 years at his trade, and was for many years with Nash, of Savile Row, and Hammond, Oxford Street, London. With them he acquired his uncommon skill as a breeches maker ….. He started his business in 1920 and has established a wide connection throughout the country.
Red 25 - Tailor, Hardinge Street